Have you been trying for a baby for a while, and despite numerous tests, you still have no idea why it hasn’t happened yet?
Well, I know how frustrating, stressful and lonely this can feel.
I can help...

Does this sound like you?
You’ve been searching for answers, but you just feel further away from a solution as you can’t even figure out what’s wrong.
You feel broken each month...
You hate the horrible mixture of anger, resentment and sadness
You’re avoiding social events
Sex with your partner has simply become a matter of baby-making...
Hi, I’m Magda
a homeopath, fertility coach, holistic thinker and mum of two. This is my story…
I fell pregnant quickly with my first child, so I assumed the same would happen when we decided to try again.
Only this time, I lost the baby at 11 weeks. The scan showed it stopped developing at six weeks.
I was devastated, but we tried again. Only for me to have another miscarriage
When it happened for a third time, my world fell apart.
I was lost and yet totally desperate for a child.
I was told to “just relax” or that my “body cannot carry boys”, and even that I should stop trying. My GP was unsympathetic and only agreed to refer me to a gynaecologist as I had private medical insurance through work.
She agreed to run a few tests. But the tests didn’t explain a thing. Technically, nothing was wrong, and I was told to keep trying. But I couldn’t face yet another miscarriage.
That was when I turned to homoeopathy.

My journey back to fertility...
I was in a high-pressure job, dealing with a toddler and studying part-time. On top of that, we had two family bereavements in a short space. My adrenals were in overdrive.
But with homeopathy, my periods became better quality, as my hormones were balanced. All my health niggles disappeared, and my body was in a much better position for a pregnancy.
The remedies helped me to deal with some of the grief and anxiety I experienced.
Six months after my last miscarriage, I fell pregnant (unplanned) again.
Luckily, this baby stuck, and my son was born the day before my 3rd year at college started!
Since then, I’ve made it my mission to learn as much as possible about natural fertility. I finished my homeopathy degree and studied coaching, NLP, hypnotherapy and much more so that I could help women on their path to parenthood.
If you’re ready to find the answers to your unexplained infertility, so you can have your dream family, I’m here for you.
Get to know me
My Qualifications
- BSc (Hons) in Homeopathy
- NLP Master Coach
- Inner Mastery Coach
- EFT Practitioner
- RTT Practitioner
Some things I love
- Swimming
- Camping
- Growing veg on my allotment!
About Fertility Coaching
My Commitment to you
When we work together, I promise to…
- Always see you as an individual
- Restore balance to your body and mind to supercharge your fertility
- Bring you lasting change… not short-term solutions
- Help you to get pregnant and stay pregnant
What my Clients Say
Believe me when I say Magda is very different. I was surprised Magda explained to me that each session was going to be built entirely on my needs, my anxiety, my worries, my behaviour and my lifestyle. I was even more shocked at her gentle and soft approach. She did not pressure me to do anything I was not comfortable with, no matter how difficult. It made Magda think of another technique or solution. And she always reassured me that she had many, many different remedies and techniques for me to try.